When after giving birth can I start this course?

The Returning To Center program is safe and effective from the very beginning of parenthood. That said, nothing is better than some quiet healing time immediately following childbirth. Give yourself the gift of 6 weeks or 40 days or whatever amount you have to do as little as possible and let your body heal.

You can start this course as soon as you feel ready to bring your mind and body into sync. Make sure you’re cleared by your doctor, than no lingering pain or infection could cause undue problems.

If you’re working with general achiness that goes along with the healing process, it’s safe to move cautiously through the material.

How Do I Sign up?

Check out the pricing options and follow the prompts to register.

How Long Does It Take To Work Through The Course?

Returning To Center is self-paced for a reason. No mxm has the same amount of time to devote each day or week. So all content is fully accessible right from the beginning, allowing you to work at your own pace. You’ll have full access to all that the learning platform has to offer for one full year. You can download certain materials to keep forever after that year is up.

How Long Do I Have Access To The Course?

You’ll have full access to all that the learning platform has to offer for one full year. You can download certain materials to keep forever after that year is up, and unlimited access to the private Returning To Center Facebook group, where you’ll receive guidance from your fellow RTCers and Amy.

What's the investment?

Returning To Center is $249 for one full year of access. You have access to over 25 videos of instruction, downloadable audio classes, illustrations, and a community of supportive learners.

Additional opportunities for consultations with Amy can be added. TBD.

What is your return policy?

With Returning To Center, we want you to feel fully empowered to access your deepest strength. If you don’t feel the program is right for you, you can request a full refund within seven days of purchase.

How Do I Connect with Other RTC Students?

RTC is a community experience. Join our private Facebook group to discuss all things postpartum healing, wellness, fitness. You can also engage with the discussions on the RTC platform.

What If I Have Questions About The Exercises?

Get in line! The material presented in RTC is precise and clear. But there are a million different variables that could create confusion in your unique form that all stems from where you are coming from, ie., what movement patterns are you bringing to the table?

RTC is meant to support the beginning of a postpartum movement practice, but the juice of it comes from your questions and feedback in our private Facebook group. Join in as soon as you join the course to get tips and ideas from your fellow learners as well as Amy.

  • Share photos and videos of yourself doing the exercises linked with your questions, so we can all learn.

  • Join a monthly live Q&A with Amy to get coaching on specific areas you find challenging.

You also have access to a discussion board on the RTC learning platform.

What If I Have Pain While Doing the Exercises?

Pain is not our aim in this course. Slow down and move in a smaller range of motion. Listen to your body. Where does it want to go? Can you make small adjustments to ease it? Or is this is larger issue that should be addressed on the RTC discussion board?

What Makes This Course Unique?

Returning To Center was birthed from the hours I’ve spent with womxn during the prenatal preparation and postpartum recovery. It blends my love of embodied anatomy, integrative strength training, body-mind attunement and all things birth.

This program leaves behind any demands or claims of external goals and asks you to sense and feel your truth into power. It creates space for you to explore your new form, your new identity, with a soft touch.

RTC is a starting point. It helps you assess where you are, so that you can progress in the direction your unique form needs. It validates your experiences as the truth your body wishes to share. By doing so, we can lovingly challenge its sense of itself and bring you back to your center.

Do I Need to Wear A Belly Band?

Your deep core is the only corset you’ll ever need to provide you integrated strength. But when the deep core experiences the intensity of pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum, it’s common for it to not be strong enough to support all the movement you’re doing to nurture a newborn.

While I think belly bands should NOT be solely relied on for core support, in serious cases a belly band can be helpful during motion that requires extra strength.

Be mindful of your unique needs. If it’s serious enough to warrant a belly band, commit to a short, daily core practice to help build that corset back. If you work consistently, you won’t need that band before long!

How Long Should I Practice These Exercise?

The RTC program is meant to be relied on as your foundational strength training — something you can return to again and again throughout your lifetime, as needed. It is suitable not only for postpartum recovery but also for injury recovery and other limiting experiences that require a reset.

The more often you practice the RTC exercises, the better they will integrate into your system and create lasting deep core strength.

You have a year of full access to the RTC platform, with downloadable materials that can keep you practicing as long as you wish.


Is This Still Useful for Me if My Kids Are Over 2 Years Old?

The postpartum experience will always be imprinted on your form. Whether you work to reintegrate your deep core right after giving birth or you come to it years later, the same principles apply.

Though you may not think of yourself as postpartum anymore, you may notice that you’ve built strength around your center over time, but that it bypasses your deep center, creating chronic pain in various places. You may notice that you’ve adopted certain patterns just to keep going.

RTC brings you back to basics and into your center.


I'm Working With Prolapse or Incontinence. How Can RTC Help?

While these issues are not specifically addressed in Returning To Center, the same principles apply. Both prolapse and incontinence arise from a weakened pelvic floor, so anyone working with them will find the exercises specifically addressing the pelvic floor to be helpful.

Most complications that come from postpartum — even hemorrhoids — can be traced back to a disconnected portion or portions of the deep core. By working through each section of this course, you’ll be able to assess inherent weakness or tightness and bring them back into balance.


If My Pelvic Floor is Tight, Can This Program Help?

Absolutely! RTC’s training involves the rebalancing of the deep core muscle tissue so that all of its parts regain full range of motion. That means your whole center will be able to contract or expand as needed in any moment.

More specifically, a tight pelvic floor is your body’s response to other deep core muscles’ collapse. By getting them all back in communication, the pelvic floor will be able to let go of what it no longer needs to carry.


Who Does This Course Benefit?

Returning To Center is for anyone feeling disconnected from their self or their center after giving birth who

  • has tried other exercise that just didn’t feel good or possibly led to injury

  • wants to build a relationship with their new form

  • is willing to listen to their body for guidance in the healing process

  • seeks foundational strength that will grow more rooted and more powerful over time

Do You Have Special Pricing for Groups?

Yes! Please contact Amy to receive special rates for your group.