WholeBody Wellness


“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh


HomeBody is founded on the belief that your WholeBody Wellness is founded on your Embodied Strength.

Embodied Strength is a movement approach Amy developed over her decades of experience as a movement explorer. It looks at how the body organizes itself based on dynamic alignment, biomechanical understanding, and movement foundations, which ultimately build deep, authentic strength.


Why is this program different?

Power and strength are so often the endgame of our movement & fitness practice. While both are necessary to propel us through life, what's often missing is balance -- the balance of subtlety with power, of quality with strength.

For beginning or advanced movers who seek a combination of power and resilience in their established movement practice, this program is a blend of expert alignment and deep internal integration.

It will include a combination of rigorous and restorative exercises that alternately challenge and restore.

Explore the movement principles that will underlie all other forms of movement you enjoy, including running, biking, swimming, tennis, yoga, martial arts, weight lifting, and more.


In this program you will

  • weave the precision of pilates & yoga with somatic methods that call on your own body-mind wisdom

  • explore how your movement patterns are expressed throughout your whole form

  • address imbalances, injuries, & limited movement range through both supportive & rigorous exercises

  • apply self-care and bodywork tips to help release old patterns

  • learn to follow your intuition to cultivate balance, strength and resilience

  • break down common exercises & poses for higher quality embodiment

  • restore balanced energy flow throughout the body with breath, intention, touch and resistance

  • advance exercise intensity as you build stronger foundations of support
