Explore the landscape of your body
with HomeBody’s signature program:
The Breathing Body
Do you want to move out of your pain and into your sustainable power?
Dare to go deeper…
The Breathing Body
is a 3-month
movement coaching program
that will guide you
gently & sustainably into a new relationship with your moving body.
Imagine getting on your bike without the fear of tomorrow’s ache.
Imagine stepping onto the court or field, ready to run, swing, serve, pitch, jump.
Imagine rolling around on the ground with your children or grandchildren with ease and pleasure.
“Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos.”
Take the next step in connecting to your inherent power.
Why the HomeBody Process?
In the beginning, we move as a whole being. We learn to crawl, sit, stand and walk based on our desires for mobility, an object we’re curious about, or to reach for sustenance. In fact, our movement habits and our unique desires emerge and evolve in relationship to each other!
This dance is perfectly aligned, with gravity supporting our mobility.
Over time, we learn to segment our bodies into parts. We begin sitting, walking, running from the parts of ourselves we’re most familiar with.
We push and pull ourselves through space, forgetting gravity’s support and further segmenting our bodies, solidifying our habitual dances with life.
The HomeBody Process is a comprehensive tool that returns function to form, awakens you to your wholeness and guides you into a collaborative relationship with your moving body-mind.
Why Commit?
In three months, The Breathing Body will develop in you the confidence, strength and resilience you need to get back to the activities you love.
Without offering you a band-aid to suppress what you’re feeling, The Breathing Body allows you to take a deep dive into what’s causing the misalignment.
Right from the beginning you will discover new possibilities for movement.
But that’s just the first step.
Deep transformation takes time. After 12 sessions,
you will shift your perspective on how to move well in your body, and this wisdom will continue to serve you long after you’ve completed the program.
After discovering what causes your pain and why, we go through the delicate process of unraveling years, decades, lifetimes of inhibiting movement.
The biggest changes and the deepest growth comes when you and I collaborate together on behalf of your healing process.
Throughout our time together, I remain invested in your progress, ensuring you have the right tools for home practice, making adjustments as needed, and helping you see significant change in how your body responds to movement.
The Breathing Body teaches you to:
Decode the messages of your body’s wisdom
Get you in sync to your inherent rhythms
Clear long-held patterns that cause your pain & disconnection
Over the course of our time together, we create a 90-day container of support within which you and your body build new relationships.
This is more than just a handful of weekly sessions.
Why is this program different?
Power and strength are so often the endgame of our movement & fitness practice. While both are necessary to propel us through life, what's often missing is balance -- the balance of subtlety with power, of quality with strength.
For beginning or advanced movers who seek a combination of power and resilience in their established movement practice, this program is a blend of expert alignment and deep internal integration.
It will include a combination of rigorous and restorative exercises that alternately challenge and restore.
Explore the movement principles that will underlie all other forms of movement you enjoy, including running, biking, swimming, tennis, yoga, martial arts, weight lifting, and more.
In this program you will
- weave the precision of functional movement with the magic of embodiment
- explore how your movement patterns are expressed through your whole form
- address imbalances, injuries, & limited movement range through both supportive & rigorous exercises
- apply self-care and bodywork tips to help release old patterns
- learn to follow your intuition to cultivate balance, strength and resilience
- break down common exercises & poses for higher quality embodiment
- restore balanced energy flow throughout the body
The Breathing Body includes
12 weekly sessions on Zoom
done in the comfort & convenience of your own home studio
Support in creating your home studio
Learn how to develop good habits around home practice, complete with a movement tool kit resource list.
12 Weekly follow up emails
that will help you chart your progress AND provide practices you can do in between our lessons to keep you embodied all week long
A midterm check in and progress report
to see how and where you’re noticing shifts in your experience AND how we can move forward in the second half of the program
A customized attunement routine
to take with you, so you can keep up your progress beyond our 90-day container
a follow up call in 30 days and an updated customized audio practice
Let’s Go
If you’re ready to commit to your whole self, get started now by scheduling your Attunement Call with Amy.